在线博彩's Strategic Plan

is about what we grow to be.
If Commencement is the culmination of our work as a university, then our Becoming as an institution should be the central focus of our daily work.
Strategic Plan 2021-2026:
Positioning 在线博彩 for success in the 21st century
Becoming 在线博彩 - the stakeholder-based strategic planning process - has sought the input and support of members across the 在线博彩 community to help shape a comprehensive blueprint for the university, one that will provide clarity and relevance for the future of the institution. More than 1,300 members of the 在线博彩 community - students, faculty, staff, alumni, community leaders, boards, and other external stakeholders - took an active role in the university's strategic planning for the future.
Strategic Plan

在线博彩 will continue to evolve to be more relevant to students’ needs (both inside and outside the classroom), as well as adapt to a changing world and economy.

在线博彩 curates its operations around higher end-user expectations in order to emerge as the first choice for students, employees, employers, and supporters.

A public university is a unique institution in the United States that has the capacity to provide a holistic "sense of place." 在线博彩 will live up to that expectation all the time.
In the first stage of the process, Stakeholder Engagement, we hosted nearly 100 Discovery Sessions and fielded a survey that garnered more than 900 responses. The institution gathered input from cohesive, far-reaching, and collective voices to guide what the university will become.
During Strategic Planning Prioritization, the process engaged members of the university’s executive team, President’s Cabinet, Provost’s Council, Faculty Senate, Staff Council leadership, and Strategic Planning Steering Team to validate and prioritize the themes that emerged during Stakeholder Engagement.

Contemporary Academics
Update existing programs and develop new programs based on continuous market analysis in order to engage students and provide them with 21st-century learning experiences.

Experiential Learning
Launch or advance students’ careers before graduation by ensuring that they work on at least one meaningful, interactive project that takes a semester or more to complete.

Co-curricular Activities
Elevate all students’ professional, cultural, and global competencies by engaging them in experiences that go beyond academics.

Working Together
Leverage the geography of 在线博彩 to be an economic and intellectual engine for companies, communities, and organizations through talent-development and mutually-beneficial partnerships.
Looking Ahead
Define pathways to post-graduation through an institutional commitment to elevating and advancing internships, experiential learning, intentional mentorship, and professional and community-based network development for all students.STAKEHOLDER INPUT
Steering team members identified a number of recurring themes during the Discovery Sessions. The following categories provide additional context, highlighting the diverse perspectives that emerged.
The themes identified included:
- Identity
- Belongingness
- Connectedness
- Race/Diversity
- Academic Excellence
A study led by Gallup and Purdue University found that just 3 percent of all college graduates say they had all six of the experiences - “The Big Six” - that strongly relate to whether they felt their colleges prepared them well for life. Together, and individually, the Gallup-Purdue Index finds these six experiences have a greater effect on long-term life outcomes such as employee engagement and well-being - even more than the type of school these graduates attended (for example, public or private).
The “Big Six”
- I had at least one professor who made me excited about learning.
- My professors cared about me as a person.
- I had a mentor who encouraged me to pursue my goals and dreams.
- I worked on a project that took a semester or more to complete.
- I had an internship or job that allowed me to apply what I was learning in the classroom.
- I was extremely active in extracurricular activities and organizations.
Commitment Statement
Dedicating ourselves to the curation of a first-choice university
Strategic Plan
Strategic Priorities

See and Be Seen
Elevate institutional visibility and reputation by promoting the successes and contributions of students, faculty, staff, and alumni.

Stand Out
Be distinct - design distinctive, world-class experiences inside and outside the classroom for all who “Go West,” differentiating ourselves from our peers and aspirants.

Be Better
Embed excellence in service in all that we do - create remarkable experiences through proactive service (ensure everyone feels “expected”).

Diversity is Strength
Recruit, hire, and continually develop a high-performing, diverse workforce with multiple perspectives.

Get Healthy
Implement a holistic, institution-wide integrated wellness framework to enhance the lives and performance of students, employees, and external communities we serve.

Culture of Excellence
Advance the front porch of the university by engineering the student athletic, artistic, and other externally-facing (or audience-centered) experiences around a culture of excellence.

Working Toward the Future
Shape and deploy next-generation operating and service models emphasizing financial stability and wherewithal; focus on creating margin in our resources to facilitate investment in the “next.”

Feel at Home
Strengthen the sense of belonging and connectedness at 在线博彩 by intentionally nurturing relationships and bonds among students, faculty, staff, alumni, and communities.

Feel Welcome
Intentionally cultivate a safe and inviting environment that seamlessly integrates equitable principles in all institutional actions.

Feel Unique
Continuously elevate physical and digital spaces, presentation, and service to cultivate a clear, distinctive 在线博彩 identity and experience on campus and throughout the region.

Feel Proud
Cultivate traditions and experiences that people are eager to engage with and that enliven a sense of pride in being a part of the University of West Georgia.